01 |
haloid |
ID of dark matter halo as found in merger tree |
02 |
galaxyhostid |
ID of host DM halo to which this galaxy last belonged |
03 |
galaxy_is_orphan |
flag indicating whether the host DM halo still exists (0, no orphan galaxy) or not (1, orphan galaxy) |
04 |
X |
galaxy X position in comoving [kpc/h] |
05 |
Y |
galaxy Y position in comoving [kpc/h] |
06 |
Z |
galaxy Z position in comoving [kpc/h] |
07 |
Vx |
galaxy X physical peculiar velocity [km/sec] |
08 |
Vy |
galaxy Y physical peculiar velocity [km/sec] |
09 |
Vz |
galaxy Z physical peculiar velocity [km/sec] |
10 |
Mcold |
cold gas mass [Msun/h] |
11 |
Mhot |
hot gas mass [Msun/h] |
12 |
Mstar |
stellar mass [Msun/h] |
13 |
Mbh |
mass of central black hole [Msun/h] |
14 |
Z_gas |
metalicity of the cold gas in the galaxy [Zsolar] |
15 |
Z_stars |
metalicity of stars [Zsolar] |
16 |
T_stars |
mean age of stellar population [Gyrs] |
17 |
star formation rate [Msun/h yr^(-1)] |
18 |
SFRbulge |
star formation rate in the bulge [Msun/h yr^(-1)] |
19 |
mass of hot gas in the diffuse halo/atmosphere [Msun/h] |
20 |
M_cold,halo |
mass of cold gas in the diffuse halo: cold flows, cooling flows [Msun/h] |
Meject |
mass of gas ejected from the halo [Msun/h] |
22 |
M_outflowed |
mass of gas outflowed from galaxy but retained within the halo [Msun/h] |
23 |
M_gas,disk |
mass of gas in the disk [Msun/h] |
24 |
M_gas,spheroid |
mass of gas in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] |
25 |
M_stars,disk |
mass of stars in the disk [Msun/h] |
26 |
M_stars,spheroid |
mass of stars in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] |
27 |
M_bh |
total mass of black hole(s) [Msun/h] |
28 |
M_ICstars |
mass of stars in intracluster mass (i.e. stripped stars) [Msun/h] |
29 |
M_total |
total baryons associated to the halo, including ejected mass [Msun/h] |
mass of metals in hot gas in the diffuse halo/atmosphere [Msun/h] |
31 |
MZ_cold,halo |
mass of metals in cold gas in the diffuse halo [Msun/h] |
MZeject |
mass of metals in gas ejected from the halo [Msun/h] |
33 |
MZ_outflowed |
mass of metals in gas outflowed from galaxy but retained within the halo [Msun/h] |
34 |
MZ_gas,disk |
mass of metals in gas in the disk [Msun/h] |
35 |
MZ_gas,spheroid |
mass of metals in gas in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] |
36 |
MZ_stars,disk |
mass of metals in stars in the disk [Msun/h] |
37 |
MZ_stars,spheroid |
mass of metals in stars in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] |
38 |
MZ_bh |
total mass of metals in black hole(s) [Msun/h] |
39 |
MZ_ICstars |
mass of metals in stars in intracluster mass (i.e. stripped stars) [Msun/h] |
40 |
BoverT |
bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio (total=bulge+disc)
41 |
r1/2 |
overall half-mass radius in physical [kpc/h] |
42 |
r1/2_bulge |
3D half-mass radius of bulge in physical [kpc/h] |
43 |
r1/2_disk |
half-mass radius of disk in physical [kpc/h] |
44 |
nuv_ext |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the Galex NUV band (around 2200\AA) with dust |
45 |
B_ext |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO B band (around 4369\AA) with dust |
46 |
V_ext |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO V band (around 54038\AA) with dust |
47 |
g_ext |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS g band (around 4260\AA) with dust |
48 |
r_ext |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS r band (around 5605\AA) with dust |
49 |
K_ext |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the UKIDSS K band (around 2.1\um) with dust |
50 |
nuv |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the Galex NUV band (around 2200\AA) without dust |
51 |
B |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO B band (around 4369\AA) without dust |
52 |
V |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO V band (around 54038\AA) without dust |
53 |
g |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS g band (around 4260\AA) without dust |
54 |
r |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS r band (around 5605\AA) without dust |
55 |
K |
Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the UKIDSS K band (around 2.1\um) without dust
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