
File Formats

Page history last edited by Alexander Knebe 9 years, 11 months ago

Halo Catalogues


All halo catalogues have been generated with AHF and the format is described on pages 162++ in the user's guide.


You are most likely only interested in the _halos files which contain a variety of properties (position, velocity, mass, radius, etc.) of identified halos:


01  haloid  unique haloid across all snapshots
02  hostHalo  haloid of host halo 
03  numSubStruct  number of subhaloes 
04  Mass_bound  exclusive bound mass (npart*mp) in [Msun/h]
05  npart  exclusive number of particles 
07  halo position in [kpc/h] 
09  Vx   
10  Vy  halo physical velocity in [km/sec] 
11  Vz   
12  Radius
13  Rmax  position where GM(<r)/r peaks 
14  r2  scale radius in [kpc/h] 
15  mbp_offset  most-bound-particle position to (X,Y,Z) offset 
16  com_offset centre-of-mass to (X,Y,Z) offset 
17  Vmax  peak value of GM(<r)/r 
18  Vesc  escape velocity at radius(12) 
19  sigV  3D velocity dispersion 
20  lambda  abs(total angular momentum)/Mass_bound/sqrt(2.*G*Mass_bound*Effective_radius) 
21  lambdaE  Peebles (1991) spin parameter 
22  Lx   
23  Ly  orientation of angular momentum |L|=1 
24  Lz   
25  b/a  (normalized) second largest axis of moment of inertia 
26  c/a  (normalized) third largest axis of moment of inertia tensor 
27  Eax   
28  Eay  largest axis of moment of inertia tensor |Ea|=1 
29  Eaz   
30  Ebx   
31  Eby  second largest axis of moment of inertia tensor |Eb|=1 
32  Ebz   
33  Ecx   
34  Ecy  third largest axis of moment of inertia tensor |Ec|=1 
35  Ecz   
36  ovdens  overdensity at radius(12) 
37  nbins  number of bins used for radial profile 
38  fMhires  fraction of mass in high-resolution particles 
39  Ekin  kinetic energy [Msun/h (km/sec)^2)] 
40  Epot  potential energy [Msun/h (km/sec)^2)] 
41  SurfP  surface pressure term [Msun/h (km/sec)^2)] 
42  Phi0  potential normalisation [(km/sec)^2] 
43  cNFW  NFW concentration 
44++    for the NR and FP runs there are even more columns, please check the user's guide for their meaning 



The _luminosities and _magnitudes files available for the full physics runs were generated with the STARDUST code (Devriendt et al. 1999); they contain for each identified halo the luminosity/magnitude in 19 different wavebands (same ordering of haloes as in the _halos file). Note that stars residing in subhaloes are not contributing to the luminosities of the halo; if you want luminosities where those are included, that will not pose a problem: contact one of the organizers...



Simulation Snapshots


All snaphots written by the respective code have been converted to the same format, i.e. GADGET's file format 2.



Galaxy Catalogues


The galaxy catalogues are all written in the nIFTy galaxy format:


Header line:

Z_solar L_solar


01  haloid  ID of dark matter halo as found in merger tree 
02  galaxyhostid  ID of host DM halo to which this galaxy last belonged 
03  galaxy_is_orphan  flag indicating whether the host DM halo still exists (0, no orphan galaxy) or not (1, orphan galaxy) 
04  galaxy X position in comoving [kpc/h] 
05  galaxy Y position in comoving [kpc/h] 
06  galaxy Z position in comoving [kpc/h] 
07  Vx  galaxy X physical peculiar velocity [km/sec] 
08  Vy  galaxy Y physical peculiar velocity [km/sec]  
09  Vz  galaxy Z physical peculiar velocity [km/sec]  
10  Mcold  cold gas mass [Msun/h] 
11  Mhot  hot gas mass [Msun/h] 
12  Mstar  stellar mass [Msun/h] 
13  Mbh  mass of central black hole [Msun/h] 
14  Z_gas  metalicity of the cold gas in the galaxy [Zsolar] 
15  Z_stars  metalicity of stars [Zsolar] 
16  T_stars  mean age of stellar population [Gyrs] 
17  SFR  star formation rate [Msun/h yr^(-1)] 
18  SFRbulge  star formation rate in the bulge [Msun/h yr^(-1)] 
19  M_hot,halo 
mass of hot gas in the diffuse halo/atmosphere [Msun/h] 
20 M_cold,halo mass of cold gas in the diffuse halo: cold flows, cooling flows [Msun/h]
Meject  mass of gas ejected from the halo [Msun/h] 
22 M_outflowed mass of gas outflowed from galaxy but retained within the halo [Msun/h] 
23 M_gas,disk mass of gas in the disk [Msun/h] 
24 M_gas,spheroid mass of gas in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] 
25 M_stars,disk mass of stars in the disk [Msun/h] 
26 M_stars,spheroid mass of stars in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] 
27 M_bh total mass of black hole(s) [Msun/h] 
28 M_ICstars mass of stars in intracluster mass (i.e. stripped stars) [Msun/h]
29 M_total total baryons associated to the halo, including ejected mass [Msun/h]
mass of metals in hot gas in the diffuse halo/atmosphere [Msun/h] 
31 MZ_cold,halo mass of metals in cold gas in the diffuse halo [Msun/h]
MZeject  mass of metals in  gas ejected from the halo [Msun/h] 
33 MZ_outflowed mass of metals in  gas outflowed from galaxy but retained within the halo [Msun/h] 
34 MZ_gas,disk mass of metals in  gas in the disk [Msun/h] 
35 MZ_gas,spheroid mass of metals in  gas in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] 
36 MZ_stars,disk mass of metals in  stars in the disk [Msun/h] 
37 MZ_stars,spheroid mass of metals in  stars in the spheroid/bulge [Msun/h] 
38 MZ_bh total mass of metals in black hole(s) [Msun/h] 
39 MZ_ICstars mass of metals in stars in intracluster mass (i.e. stripped stars) [Msun/h]
40 BoverT bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio (total=bulge+disc)
41 r1/2  overall half-mass radius in physical [kpc/h]
42 r1/2_bulge  3D half-mass radius of bulge in physical [kpc/h]
43 r1/2_disk  half-mass radius of disk in physical [kpc/h] 
44 nuv_ext  Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the Galex NUV band (around 2200\AA) with dust 
45 B_ext  Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO B band (around 4369\AA) with dust 
46 V_ext  Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO V band (around 54038\AA) with dust 
47 g_ext  Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS g band (around 4260\AA) with dust 
48 r_ext  Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS r band (around 5605\AA) with dust 
49 K_ext  Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the UKIDSS K band (around 2.1\um) with dust 
50 nuv  Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the Galex NUV band (around 2200\AA) without dust 
51 Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO B band (around 4369\AA) without dust 
52 Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the RGO V band (around 54038\AA) without dust 
53 Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS g band (around 4260\AA) without dust 
54 Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the SDSS r band (around 5605\AA) without dust 
55 Rest-frame absolute AB magnitude for the UKIDSS K band (around 2.1\um) without dust 


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